April, 27 2019 1st and 2nd-year students of the Faculty of Physics took part in the Forum of Young Physicists.

16 May 2019

As part of the project “Development of foreign language competence of TSU students”, The Faculty of foreign languages organized the Forum of Young Physicists for 1st and 2nd-year students of the Faculty of Physics. Students prepared their presentations and posters on various aspects of physics in English. Professors of Physics, language instructors and students from the Faculty of foreign languages were invited to the Forum. In the framework of the Forum participants were able to demonstrate their presentation skills in English, practised polite communicative forms in question-and-answer sessions. Furthermore, students had the opportunity to share their interests in the field of physics and allied sciences and thus tested their willingness to participate in educational programs and scientific conferences in English. Students had lively discussion about modern research in the field of space, alternative energy sources, and they have demonstrated their knowledge of the basic laws of physics.

 The participants shared their impression:

Anastasia Tarakanova (гр.0721): "The forum leaves positive emotion, poster presentations are entertaining and informative. And it was also a good opportunity to communicate with coursemates and lecturers".

Konstantin Vushkvarko (гр.07521): "The forum was informative. I learned in detail about many physical phenomena. I liked the conference!"

Eugene Lobyncev (гр. 0584): "This event was something new for me. It was interesting to watch the work of students on various topics in the field of physics. I liked this event. I think this event will help students in their future".

Valeria Mikhaylova (гр. 0584): "At the forum we exchanged different ideas and physics projects. I had only positive emotions because I found it very useful. We learned so many interesting facts and discoveries in the field of physics. In my mind, we should have more conferences and forums of this kind".

Alexander Abakumov (гр. 0584): "We took part in the very interesting forum. I think TSU should hold such conferences for students to expend their horizons".