Within the project «Development of foreign language competence of TSU students», first-year students of Biological Institute attended the workshop “TSU Botanical garden – a Siberian miracle”. After the event students, the majority of which firstly observed TSU living collection, admitted that they greatly enjoyed visiting the everblooming Siberian Botanical Garden.
Tomsk State University Botanical Garden was created by Porfiry Krylov in 1880 and is considered as the oldest in Asian part of our country. The students met several witnesses of that times successfully growing in greenhouses. They are already 140 years old. Future biologists transported into the world of tropical plants, delighted in azalea blossoming, “caught” a bird of paradise, received aromatherapy treatment, took bright pictures and, undoubtedly, learned a great number of amazing and entertaining facts about plants. After visiting the Siberian Botanical Garden the students participated in an intellectual quiz held in English. The event was organized by assistant professors of the Faculty of Foreign Languages Elena A. Melnikova and Elena V. Vychuzhanina.
The project team expresses their gratitude to Natalia P. Bolshakova, the deputy dean of Biological Institute of TSU, and the Siberian Botanical Garden stuff for their kind cooperation and assistance in holding the event.