Autumn Session of II English Forum for University Students 2018 in the framework of the Project “Foreign Language Competence Development of TSU Students”

26 November 2018

In spring, 2018, the First session of II English Forum for University Students took place at Tomsk State University. It was undertaken in the framework of the Project “Foreign Language Competence Development of TSU Students” in which the students of seven Departments took place: Geology and Geography Faculty, Faculty of Chemistry, Faculty of Physics, Institute of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Faculty of Journalism, Institute of Economics and Management. In November, the Second session of the Forum in which Biological Institute and Faculty of Radiophysics take place. The staff of the Department of the English language for the Faculties of Natural Sciences, Physics and Mathematics is pleased to announce II English Forum for University Students. The first- second and third-year students of Biological Institute and Radiophysics Faculty of Tomsk State University, who are the participants of the Project “Foreign Language Competence Development of TSU Students”, will perform their presentations on the current issues of contemporary issues of Physics, conservation, and environmental studies.

The First Forum Day starts 26 of November in the Conference Hall of the Research Library of TSU. The Students Conference “Dive into Science: Wondering, Observing, and Exploring the Essence of Nature”.

Theparticipants’ registration - 9:30 a.m.

Plenary Session – 10:00

The Second Forum Day is 27 of November in 11 building of TSU (28, Lytkina St.) Students Conference of Radiophysics Faculty“Contemporary Issues of Physics”

Theparticipants’ registration – 14:00

Plenary Session – 14:15

The Forum is conducted in English.

Event organizers: Project Manager, Head of the Department of English for the Faculties of Natural Sciences, Physics and Mathematics – Elena Shulgina and the staff of the Department: Assistant Professor Elena Vychuzhanina, Assistant Professor, Elena Mel’nikova, Associate Professor Lyudmila Minakova, Teacher Maria Yegorova, Assistant Professor Elena Krassilova, Teacher Tatiana Krasnopeeva, Teacher Svetlana Kubritskaya, Assistant Professor Olga Kharapudchenko.