Within the project «Foreign Language Competence Development of TSU Students» the first-year students of group 777 of Radiophysics department visited the Laboratory of Nanoelectronics and Nanophotonics on November, 24. The head of the laboratory is Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Prof. Aleksandr V. Voitsekhovskiy.
The excursion was held by Master students of the
department of Quantum Electronics and
Photonics Ivan Sukhanov and Pavel
Ermachenkov. Pavel delivered
information about scientific areas, developments, and achievements of the
department. The young researchers
demonstrated an installation. It is called HiCube 80 Eco. It consists of a creostat,
vacuum post, measuring system and computer. The setup is
designed for measuring MIS structures. The study of such structures helps create high sensitive photodetectors.
Such detectors are used in industry and science.
The students asked a lot of questions, so the workshop involved a detailed discussion in the English language. We are grateful to a senior researcher Stanislav M. Dzyadukh for organizing the excursion.
The coordinator of the event is a senior teacher of the Department of natural and physico-mathematrical sciencies Olga V. Kharapudchenko.
Authors of the Testimonial: Maria Polishchuk, Aleksey Petrov, Timur Adylbekov.