On October 18, 19, 27 and 30,2017 the first-year and second-year students of Radiophysics Faculty had a great opportunity to improve intercultural communication skills and learn how to deliver a presentation in English. The Master students of Radiophysics Faculty Ali Yacoub Rawan Samaan, Khusein Baalbaky and Ammar Zhamus gave a presentation in English about Syria, their home country. They talked about their native cities, traditions, different places of interest, popular resorts, best universities of Syria. Presenters described their alma mater the University of Damascus, talked about student life and shared their opinion on the differences in education systems of Russia and Syria. Apart from that the students answered questions about their families, hobbies, career perspectives, impressions of Tomsk, etc. They also gave some “sage advice” on effective language-learning to the younger colleagues. The event went very lively and it was a fruitful dialogue for everyone. The students are looking forward to new events within the framework of the project “Foreign Language Competence Development of TSU Students”.
Maria Egorova, English teacher.