October 19-23, 2017 more than forty first-year students of Biological Institute of Tomsk State University went on an excursion to Zoological museum of TSU.
The current week is declared the Week of Museums of TSU. Its aim is to let the freshmen get involved into the atmosphere of the oldest educational institution of Russia, enter the university world and feel welcome in their Alma Mater.
In fact, Tomsk State University has a rich history full of achievements and deeds which are worth being proud of. In late 19th century many outstanding scientists arrived in Tomsk to contribute to the development of the newly-born university. They left Moscow, Kazan and St. Petersburg for Siberia to study local flora and fauna, and, also, to educate the people of the region and make their life better.
Zoological museum of TSU named after professor N.F. Kaschenko was founded in 1887. The first exhibits arrived here after the Arctic expedition of Nils Nordensheld and included mostly specimens of the animal life of the Arctic Ocean.
The students of BI, who are the participants of the project «Foreign language competence development of TSU students», were told about the history and unique collection of Zoological museum of TSU. At the workshop Dmitri Vladimirovich Kurbatskiy, Senior Lecturer of BI gave an overview of the most interesting exhibits and shared his own experience of studying Biology and foreign languages at TSU.
The workshop «The collection of Zoological museum» was held in the English language, so the students of the first year could dive into professional discourse and learn some new terms related to the field of their future profession.
The teaching staff of the Department of the English Language of Natural Sciences and Physico-Mathematical Faculties would like to express sincere gratitude to Dmitri Vladimirovich Kurbatskiy, who supported the idea and contributed greatly to the event.
Anyway, the participants of the project are looking forward to visiting Paleontological museum of TSU in November, 2017.