The students of the Faculty of Radiophysics have visited an organic electronics laboratory (Siberian Physical-Technical Institute) supervised by the Doctor of Physical and Mathematical sciences, professor, Tatyana N. Kopylova and a functional electronics laboratory supervised by the Doctor of Physical and Mathematical sciences, professor, Oleg P. Tolbanov within the project for English-speaking environment formation for the students of TSU.
Students learned the English basic terminology of semiconductor electronics, found out about innovative technologies such as radiation and charged particles detectors and semiconductor sensors developed at our university and distributed in Russia and exported abroad within the framework of the excursion presented by the experts.
The first-year students (groups 765, 766, 767) had an opportunity to enquire about various branches of research and subject matter of developments, being made by laboratory scientists. Moreover, the modern technological equipment and lab were exposed that undoubtedly enhances English speaking skills of students.
The workshops were followed by detailed discussion in the English language also assisted by PhD and MA students of Radiophysics Faculty (Nikonova E.N., Odod A.V., Lapina I.L., Lozinskaya A., Berdybaeva Sh., Ivanov V., Prokopenkov E., Shaimerdenova L.).
Tatiana O. Podyanova