Time to break the ice!
project for English-speaking
environment formation for the students of TSU is being continued.
This time the first year students are looking forward to have workshops in the
laboratories of the Radiophysics faculty.
Together with the experienced teachers of English Olga V. Kharapudchenko and
Elena A. Krasilova the students will have an opportunity to visit the laboratories
with structured environment for an efficient discussion: the Laboratory of
organic electronics (Siberian Physical-Technical Institute) headed by the
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical sciences, professor, Tatyana N. Kopylova,
and the Laboratory of functional electronics headed by the Doctor of Physical
and Mathematical sciences, professor, Oleg P. Tolbanov.
The workshops are aimed to enhance the English speaking skills of the participants and to provide them scientific introduction to various branches of research and subject matter of developments, being made by laboratory scientists. Within a framework of the excursion the modern technological equipment and lab facilities will be exposed.
The workshops will be followed by a detailed discussion in the English language also assisted by PhD and MA students of Radiophysics faculty (Nikonova E.N., Odod A.V., Lapina I.L., Lozinskaya A., Berdybaeva Sh., Ivanov V., Prokopenkov E., Shaimerdenova L.).
The proposed workshops are planned to take place on the 02.11.2016 and on the 09.11.2016.