We invite you to participate in the Language Tandem project

20 October 2020

Dear friends!

We invite you to participate in the project Language Tandem at our University.

What is it? It is the practice of real communication with a native speaker of the language, which you are interested to improve.

We propose:

  • Help in the search for a language partner and arrangement of tandem-partnership.

  • Tutorship of Russian-English, Russian-Spanish, and Russian-Chinese language pairs.

  • Methodical support of the other possible language pairs (help with finding resources for the organization of work)

  • Tasks and worksheets focused on the level of your level proficiency (elementary, intermediate, advanced).

  • General educational and entertainment meetings for all members of the language tandem club: workshops, holidays, and contests

    If you are interested, then register on the website http://tsulanguagetandems.tilda.ws/

Fill in the form by October 21. Please, give us detailed answers to help us find a perfect partner for you.

The first organizational meeting will be held on October 23 on the Zoom platform.

Masterˊs degree students whose area of study is Russian as a foreign language, Text technologies: creation and translation, teacher of Philology Department, and specialists of International Student Services Centre developed the project.

Contact information: tsutandems@gmail.com

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