The Faculty of Journalism won 3 golds at the MSUSND design contest

19 July 2019

In total, 63 student works in 15 nominations were awarded by the MSUSND international media design competition; students of the TSU Faculty of Journalism were the only winners from Russia. The award in the nomination “The best multimedia project” and in “The best student media website” was given to the project of the Faculty of Journalism “Selkupy. Save as…". First place in the portfolio competition was taken by Maxim Vaganov, a Faculty of Journalism student.

The MSUSND is one of the most prestigious media design contests. It is held annually by the World News Design Society based at the University of Michigan.

The project “Selkupy. Save as ... ” is dedicated to one of the smallest peoples of the world - the Selkups from the villages of the Tomsk Region. It tells about the Selkup interests and culture and the difficult situation of national minorities in modern Russia.

- Our team showed the best results in digital design: multimedia and web design. Our faculty focuses on practical work, and therefore students are very strong in project activities. Pursuing their projects, they are guided by the world's best examples of journalism and design, - said Vasily Vershinin, project leader, teacher at the Faculty of Journalism.

Maxim Vaganov, a third-year student of the Faculty of Journalism, won first place in the Student Designer nomination of the portfolio competition. He sent works on infographics, examples of the layout of magazine spreads, and educational projects on design and publishing.

In recent years several publications of the TSU Faculty of Journalism have received recognition by the SND competition: these are the student projects “Inner Estonia” and “City Birds”.