The ShanghaiRanking Consultancy has released its Global Ranking of Academic Subjects 2019. TSU entered the group 101-150 in Metallurgical Engineering; in addition, it is included in the ranking in Physics (401-500) for the third time and for the second time it is included in Earth Sciences (401-500).
- The classical university is traditionally strong in engineering and technical disciplines, because the TSU ecosystem itself is geared towards the development of interdisciplinarity, breakthrough areas of science, and interaction with industrial partners. Developments of TSU scientists in biomedicine, materials science, and physics are carried out also in international collaborations and are known all over the world, - noted Eduard Galazhinskiy, TSU Rector.
For example, now a TSU team of scientists led by Professor Victor Günther creates medical materials and implants with shape memory - biocompatible alloys whose behavior corresponds to the behavior of biological tissues. In addition, scientists from the Laboratory of Physics of High-Strength Crystals SPhTI TSU created a new alloy with shape memory. It is able to compete with alloys of titanium nickelide, which is the most popular and sought-after compound, on the basis of which medical instruments, implants, actuators, thermal sensors, and other structures are created. All these developments are in demand in surgery, oncology, dentistry, aviation, aerospace, automotive, and robotics.
In the ShanghaiRanking 2019, TSU entered the group 401-500, having traditionally shown good results in physics because of many years of successful work in world-class projects. TSU is the only representative of Russia in the TOTEM collaboration and a full member of the ATLAS collaboration at CERN. Now TSU scientists in collaboration with the German national synchrotron center DESY (Hamburg) are creating a microscope for studying biological objects, and the first tests of the device have been successful.
The group 401-500 is also located in Earth Science, including through environmental research under the guidance of Oleg Pokrovsky, a leading scientist in landscape biogeochemistry.
In 2019, more than 1,700 universities from 86 countries are represented in the ShanghaiRanking. The best educational institutions are selected on the basis of five criteria: productivity of scientific activity; citation index normalized by thematic categories; international collaboration; number of materials published by the institution in the best journals; and scientific awards.
Universities are ranked in 54 subjects in engineering, and life, natural, medical, and social sciences. At the same time, experts take into account only the highest achievements of universities presented in the best scientific journals. Bibliometric data are taken from the Web of Science and InCites databases.