Employees of Tomsk State University took part in the conference Effective Management System of Intellectual Activity for Scientific and Educational Institutions in Moscow. Representatives of universities, research organizations, and technology companies have discussed the transfer of technologies to the real economy.
During the conference, an agreement on the development of a pilot project Accelerated Preliminary Patent Examination was reached. In the area of specific priority areas, for example, chemical technologies, priority, expert opinion, and protection document will be fixed in the blockchain system.
The project will be implemented on the basis of TSU, and then submitted to the National Association of Transfer. Its conception will be developed by Larisa Spivakova, the head of the intellectual property department.
The conference participants also have discussed the intellectual property policy, recommendations of the World Intellectual Property Organization and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, best practices of universities, the principles of ensuring protection of rights, commercialization, and other issues.
- My report was about the built system of management of the results of intellectual activity at the University 3.0. Today an important task is the transfer, that is, the use of already created intangible assets, - said Konstantin Belyakov, TSU Vice-Rector for Innovation. - My second message is that companies that capitalize on intellectual activity and involve it in the economy will achieve maximum development. If this is done at the country level, then gross national income and the gross domestic product can rise by a significant percentage due to the fact that decent money is involved in the turnover, the capital of intangible assets.
In February 2018, Tomsk State University became the main platform for creating the first branch of the National Association of Technology Transfer in Russia.