A scientist from the USA enters TSU to study microbes

17 July 2017

Sabina Scott, a graduate of Ohio State University, studies the role of pathogenic microorganisms in the development of tumor processes. She decided to continue her studies at TSU’s Institute of Biology in the programme Physiology, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Bioinformatics of Plants and Microorganisms. According to the young scientist, this will help her to obtain fundamental knowledge about microbes - participants in all life processes - which will be useful in the further search for the causes of cancer.

At the age of 18, Sabina Scott came to the USA to get a good education and to become a scientist in the future. She said that she was always amazed how the violation of important vital processes in the human body can cause such a terrible disease as cancer. Therefore, she made her choice of a profession quite consciously - she wants to get scientific results that will create a way to prevent the development of malignant tumors.

- I graduated from one of the strongest universities in the USA, The Ohio State University (OSU), with a Bachelor's degree in microbiology, - says Sabina Scott. - At present, I work as a researcher in the Laboratory of Radiation Oncology of my university. One of my research projects is the study of intestinal cancer. The data obtained show that the protein complex that carries out the oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvate in the human body promotes the development and progression of intestinal tumors.

Another area that Sabina Scott is dealing with is the study of the human herpes virus of the fourth type and its effect on chronic fatigue. The results of the work of the young scientist were recognized as one of the best, so OSU awarded her a grant for further scientific research.

The university in which Sabina works collaborates with TSU’s Biological Institute and thanks to this she learned about the Master's programme Physiology, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Bioinformatics of Plants and Microorganisms. Her work includes teaching and conducting research in the fundamental areas of life sciences using modern molecular and bioinformatics methods and using this knowledge to create a new generation of biotechnologies. Leading Russian and international research centres, the Institute of Cytology and Genetics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, University of Vienna, University of Bern, and others participate in the implementation of the Master's programme.

- My goal is to become an experienced scientific researcher in oncology, - says Sabina Scott. - The Master's programme in Biology at TSU will give me the opportunity to learn from strong and highly qualified teachers and conduct research jointly with TSU and the University of the United States. I will use this knowledge to realize my goal - to develop new experimental therapeutic approaches in the treatment of cancer.