A delegation from Estonia headed by Arti Hilpus, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Estonia in the Russian Federation, visited TSU. At the meeting with the leadership of the University, the guests from the Baltic expressed their desire to collaborate with the university in philology, history, and ethnography.
- In recent decades, we have been actively increasing our pace of returning the university to the international scientific community, - said Eduard Galazhinsky, the Rector of TSU. - I'm glad to see professors of the University of Tartu in Tomsk, and I wish that between our two universities there will develop a friendly and productive relationship. I am optimistic about the resumption of our collaboration.
- It is important for us to keep all channels of communication and exchange of views. We hope that this visit will become an impulse for the conclusion of partnership agreements in culture and education, - said the Ambassador. - I immediately noted that Tomsk is a university town that is open to knowledge. In Estonia we know much about TSU, and I hope that our collaboration will grow and develop: for example, that we will establish an academic exchange.
Arti Hilpus invited the representatives of TSU to visit Estonia in 2018 when the country will celebrate the 100th anniversary of its founding. Representatives of the delegation from Estonia also spoke about their research in ethnography and philology. Aadu Must, a professor at the University of Tartu, gave a lecture to Tomsk students, “The Study of the History of the Russian Empire in the European Countries”. Anu Korb, a senior researcher at the Estonian Literary Museum, spoke on the problems encountered in publication of the materials collected in diasporas. The researcher has made 17 expeditions and visited almost 40 Estonian communities in Russia, some of which were created 100-150 years ago.