Representatives of Tomsk State University - Victor Dyomin, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Galina Mozhaeva, Director of the Institute of Distance Education, and Olesya Babanskaya, head of the Scientific and Methodical Department of IDE, took part in the 4th International Coursera Partners Conference in The Hague (Netherlands). They discussed with representatives of the company an increase in the number of courses on the platform and the possible forms of future collaboration.
The conference was attended by over 300 representatives from 140 universities around the world, including each partner university of Coursera.
Now TSU is one of the six partner universities of Coursera in Russia. There are 10 university online courses that are available on the international platform, with about 20,000 students. Another two courses on biodiversity and labor psychology will start in April.
During the conference, TSU representatives met with the team of Coursera - Nikhil Sinha, Vice-President of Strategic Development, Anjuli Gupta, Regional Manager, and Florie Lamure, Manager for Work with Russian Partners.
- At the meeting, we discussed the issues of further developing collaboration between the University and the Coursera platform, - said Victor Demin. - The sides also discussed issues of positioning, marketing, and promotion of our Open University online courses in the international educational space.
TSU online courses are available on the American platform Coursera, the European platform Iversity, and the Russian Lectorium. Online courses are available on Coursera 24 hours a day.