Tomsk State University is creating a new Master's programme in medical innovation, which is unique for Russia. This project received funding from the European Union programme Erasmus +.
Many of today's health problems (drug resistance, spread of diseases related to the way of life, and others) differ by their complex character. And in order to solve them, it is necessary to attract achievements not only from medical but also from social sciences. An important role in this process is played by professionals in medical innovation - the new generation of professionals who are able to develop and apply transdisciplinary and system approaches for solving these problems. The new Master's programme Innovation and Society: Science, Technology, and Medicine is intended to prepare such specialists.
- This programme will bring together knowledge in science and technology, innovation and society, and health, - says Evgeniya Popova, the project manager from the TSU side, director of the research and education centre Policy Analysis and Studies of Technologies. – The programme participants, both students and practitioners, will have actual knowledge of the various subject areas required for the introduction of innovations in medicine and their management.
The project coordinator is Maastricht University, a longtime partner of TSU. And our university is one of the main implementers. In addition, among the partners will be several universities from Eastern Europe, whose employees will act as consultants and experts. Another Tomsk university - the Siberian State Medical University - also has been actively involved in the development of the courses.
- We also want to attract students and graduates for discussing the Master's programme being created, it is important to know their opinion as potential consumers of the product, - adds Evgeniya Popova.
The project is expected tp create two more online courses. These preparations involve all partner universities. According to Evgeniya Popova, this will be a completely new product for the Eastern European countries, because the study of the coordination between society, science, and technology in the field of health there is just beginning.
The new Master's programme will be launched in September 2017.