Tomsk State University is holding the Enactus International Winter School on Social Entrepreneurship. Students from Russia, France, Great Britain, Morocco, India, Brazil, Canada, Kyrgyzstan, and Kazakhstan have gathered at TSU to develop global social projects aimed at improving people's lives.
Representatives of the Enactus movement from different countries became participants of the school. Students will work in international teams for ten days, during which they will develop projects to help solve a particular social problem facing the inhabitants of various regions of the Earth (for example, access to clean drinking water). The result of the Winter School will be the presentation of projects to the expert jury.
- Those tasks that stand before you, in fact, have a global scale, and without your participation, without your youthful energy, they actually can be solved, but in the distant future. But someone should work with them now, - said Sergei Kulizhskiy, Vice Rector for Social Services at the opening of the Winter School. - I really like the proverb: Many things seem impossible until you start doing them.
Each day, participants of the School will have a busy educational programme and project work. In addition, TSU has organized a cultural programme: seeing the city, the University, and the traditions of Maslenitsa.
- The University pays much attention to the innovation component, and especially social issues, - stressed Sergey Kulizhskiy. - Great experience and material have been accumulated that form the basis of TSU. And we are ready to share with you this material, these ideas, that students and teachers have generated. There are three ways to remember something: to write it, to constantly repeat it, and to have an emotional experience. I think that you already have been provided with the vivid emotions. Because the people who work and study here have warm hearts and open minds, and are willing to share with you the joy of communication and work.